Friday, August 28, 2009

Welcome to the green blog!

Welcome to my Blog! I am not sure who came up with the name of “Blog”, but it always makes me wonder how, someone makes up some new word like this, and all of a sudden it is the new cool thing to do. I mean, how would someone think of a word like “blog” to become the page where people can write whatever they want to express themselves about everything and anything. Like I suppose, “log” comes from something like “log book” and the “b” part could come from “biography”, I should probably stop wasting this “blogging” moment, trying to work out where it came from and just look up the history of blogging on the internet and I would know for sure. Sometimes it is fun to just wonder for yourself, and allow yourself the fun of being totally surprised to find out that what you worked out for yourself is actually the truth.

So this is my blog! I might call it the “wondering” blog. Maybe not! I think that there is too much to say about what I know to be true that is really happening in the world, to spend too much more time wondering about anything. I know that you can read my “bio” on this website, but I have so much to say about what is happening, and what has been happening for a long time in this world, that we the people of the world, need to do whatever we can to make a difference. Something I know from my life is that whatever is going on in your own life personally, or in the global community, that you are not happy about, if you do nothing about it, then the likelihood is that there will be no change. If you don’t like the way that something is and you feel really bad inside about anything, if you sit around and just think about it, you will go around in circles. I remember seeing that the definition of “insanity”, written on a wall, was when you keep doing the same thing over and over again, thinking that you will change the result. Something like that. One of my favourite sayings is “If you do what you’ve always done, you get what you’ve always had”. I have changed this around to something I like better than this, and actually I keep changing this statement as I go along. If you do new things every day, meet new people, get rid of old stuff to make way for the new, then you MUST, have to, of course, automatically get a new and exciting result!

Every day, I am looking to change, to find a better way of doing things, so that everything that I do is more fun, and I can make a bigger difference in an easier way. There is lots to do to make the changes we need to make in the world, I have been a person, who has started with wanting to change the whole world. I have felt that I had to do this, because I could see that there were so many bad things happening in the world. Throughout the last 20 something years, I have been able to help to make some huge changes, through my songs and my commitment to make whatever difference I can in any given situation, like my song “What is happening to our forests?” launching the campaign that resulted in saving 1.5 hectares of ancient Karri forest. There have been many things big and small that I have been able to do, just by caring and keeping going to try to find the keys in any situation. In every single situation that there is a problem in your life, which is reflected in the macrocosm of the world, there is always a key. We just have to find it.

I can see that all we have to do is start on the journey. I have met many people, for instance who are divorced. I have been married for nearly 22 years. I love my husband now more than ever before. This journey to get here, has only come from me continuing to find the key to the door of my own happiness. I believe, we are all “brainwashed” or mentally programmed from the thousands of years of whatever culture we have been brought up in, to think in certain ways. What I have seen in myself and in everyone that I have met, that we all think that our real happiness, is dependent on something “outside” of ourselves. We “fall in love” and some people marry, and then all of a sudden, you are living with a person who is NOT who you thought they were. They no longer make us “happy”. I have found that I have to make myself happy. I have to be whole to have a happy and whole relationship with my husband, my children and outwards from there.

So to make a real difference to the world, I can see that we must first make a real difference to ourselves. We must change ourselves. As I have started to truly care for myself, I automatically want to care for my husband, my children and the environment around me. If I don’t care for the earth, there will be no future for myself, my family and all of the people I love. If every single person, truly starts to care in this way, all of the ripples of caring from every person will all go out to the world, and start to join together and there will be a huge wave of caring moving constantly everywhere!

Sound wild?

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